Spring Creek Natural Gas Service Expansion

Natural gas for your home.

In December 2019, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) authorized Southwest Gas to expand natural gas service into the Spring Creek area. Since then, Southwest Gas has begun providing safe, reliable, and affordable energy service to all Elko County Schools, most commercial properties, and portions of each residential tract in the Spring Creek community.

Natural gas service in the area is providing homes and businesses of all sizes with affordable and reliable energy that meets their needs and brings the comforts of home – making water heating, space heating, cooking, clothes drying, and more easy, dependable, and efficient.

As we continue to expand infrastructure, Southwest Gas encourages all Spring Creek residents to visit springcreekgas.com for updates, project details, and step-by-step instructions on how to convert their homes.

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For Spring Creek Residents

We've created a special site to help guide you through the conversion process. You'll find helpful information like common FAQs, additional information on which area is currently being converted and much more at  springcreekgas.com
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Sign Up For Natural Gas

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Converting Your Home

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Benefits of Natural Gas

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Contact Us (Spring Creek Residents)